Who Is Tyler Kelly & What is Forgiven Creation?

Hello Tyler Kelly here! I’m the Founder and Owner of Forgiven Creation. I Created Forgiven Creation with one main goal in mind. To  Shine and Proclaim to people the Mercy and Light of Jesus Christ. In doing so I hope to proclaim the mercy and forgiveness Jesus has had in my own personal life through my ever changing interests and adventures the Lord brings my way.

As stated above and as the name indicates my main goal with Forgiven Creation is proclaim Christ’s forgiveness in that I am both a Individual one of a kind human created by Jesus in His image but am also an imperfect man forgiven by the infinite Grace of Jesus alone, I AM a Forgiven Creation! In this I want to remind everyone that they too can be forgiven of their sins and failures in this life. When we realize the seriousness of sin and see what the cost of our sin was when Jesus was put on a Cross for our sins we truly understand the need for Jesus in our lives.

I am a Born and Raised proud citizen of the United States of America. I didn’t take my faith to be my own until I was a late teen. In being a citizen of the USA I realized something that worries me, The United States is leaving her first Love, Jesus. The whole reason people came to this land hundreds of years ago was to have religious freedom and to found that freedom along with our principles on Christian beliefs. That is why we are a shining city on a hill. I hope to shine Christ’s Light in this world bringing the Gospel into areas otherwise left without the wonderful News of Jesus.

As Matthew 5:13-16 says 13Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

14Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

This small set of verses are just on example of the Bible talking about us as saved Christians being shining lights in a ever darkening world. The issue is sadly most Christians don’t shine their light anywhere but in a church building or among other members of the Christian faith. My goal is to enjoy the wonderful life and gifts Jesus has given me out of His abundant Grace. This is how I enjoy most of my gifts, by integrating them into my Christian lifestyle and realizing that at the end of the day they can be stripped away and that is OK because the Lord gives and takes away.

Take my interests in automobiles or diy projects I do as examples. Without Jesus to me they are completely pointless resulting in nothing but  boasting self stature, lots of frustration (when they break or I fail), pride and much more. With Jesus however I can enjoy these wonderful gifts all the more seeing that all good things are from the Lord. I also can use these things as a sort of way to deliver the Gospel of Jesus to those who often hear very little of Jesus Christ. I also at the same time am able to provide clean content that Christians can watch, gather information, and just enjoy! By all means I also love to talk about Jesus and Christianity plainly without projects or other things, just Jesus.

Along with these things I have products I sell as well and am always creating something new.

All in All Jesus is and always will be my main focus. If my main focus then the main focus of Forgiven Creation as well!

My the Lord Jesus Bless Ya!!!

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